Terms and Conditions & Privacy Policy

Terms of use & Privacy Policy are valid from 10th of December 2023

These "Terms and Conditions" together with the "Privacy Policy" contained in the "Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy" page on the 𝒾Export.Market website and any other documents referred in these (Terms and Conditions - Privacy Policy) set out the legal terms that apply to your use for the website 𝒾Export.Market (
𝒾Export.Market, we, us and our) when Advertising products "To Sell or To Buy" on 𝒾Export.Market, Egyptian limited liability company, operating office at Matrouh St. 04, 12111 Great Cairo - EGYPT

Terms and Conditions
1- Unless there is no any additional approved agreement(s), these General Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to the relationship between 𝒾Export.Market and the participants using all the services operated by 𝒾Export.Market (Public Marketplace, Private Marketplace, Pre-purchase inspection, Escrow service, Shipping services, Exhibition Ads), Otherwise any terms conditions of a participant that contradict the present General Terms and Conditions will not be valid.
2- 𝒾Export.Market provides the required databases, by which Ads are conveyed, but 𝒾Export.Market is neither the party offering the advertised
products for sale/buying.
3- Unless there is no an additional approved agreement(s), 𝒾Export.Market is not involved in the relationship between the seller and the party interested to buy, or the buyer, neither in the capacity of an intermediary nor as a representative of any party.

4- All participants can place Ads as many as they want, iExport.Market clarifies in advance the monthly charge per Ad for all participant types (Individual or Dealers) are same.  The charges of the additional provided services (Private Marketplace, Pre-purchase inspection, Escrow service, Shipping services, Exhibition Ads) are based on additional agreements with 𝒾Export.Market in a separated contractual relationship.
5- 𝒾Export.Market will publish and promote the 𝒾Export.Market Services and the participants’ placed Ads by including the advertisements or parts thereof on other websites, in mobile Apps, emails or print media, Radio or Television broadcasting campaigns for the purpose of advertising and increasing the reach of the iExport.Market Service.
6- As part of the 𝒾Export.Market Service, 𝒾Export.Market has access to various information about participants, including personal data, company details which participants submitted to 𝒾Export.Market , like contact details, and the advertised product details, ..etc.
7- Participants receive the messages and contact information of the interested buyers via 𝒾Export.Market service "Contact Seller". Furthermore participants have the access to edit their information were sent or uploaded by them to 𝒾Export.Market via "My account", like contact details, company details. Also their advertisement details they can edit via "My Ads" to edit or delete.

8- 𝒾Export.Market reserves the rights to delete any content of an Ad details or Ad photos or both when it  conflicts with a social, ethical, legal, or religious principles.
9- 𝒾Export.Market participants grant the non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, royalty-free to use the content of the participant which he posts on 𝒾Export.Market Service online and offline in particular the rights of exhibition, reproduction and adaption as set out below:

  • The right to reproduce the content on any type of analog and digital media like CD, CD-ROM, DVD, memory cards, hard drives, video , etc. and all printed as well.
  • The right to combine the content with other content and other advertising material, and to use these combinations in accordance with this agreement.
  • The right to adapt the content or have the content adapted, especially to have the content reduced in size, increased in size, split up, shortened or, modified and to use these adaptations in accordance with this agreement (mobile.de will hereby not change the content of the statements made and details given by the participant in respect of the advertisement);
  • The right to use and present the content for presentations, both internal and during public events, like exhibitions, seminars, training courses,  ..etc.
  • The right to feed the content into databases and store it there

10- The participant herewith consents to having his advertisements translated for the above mentioned purposes of with regard to foreign websites or Apps.